Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting There

I have nearly finished the black swirls one. Still need a better name than that :) If I like this one, I might consider this for the QLD quilt show, but I just don't think there is enough stuff to grab your attention. The other ideas that I want to do will be better I think. 

Still need a camera so these photos are real low quality sorry :)

My thread keeps snapping on my machine, so I take it apart to see inside, wish I could take more apart but I cannot, and there is a piece of thread stuck in the arm of the needle!! Darn. So now I have oiled it and gotten it out half way, now it is covered in oil and I can't grab the rest :) So I am now waiting for it to dry out and see if I can grab the rest. It is a lot better already so here's hoping I can get that teeny tiny bit of thread. I am now blinded though from using my super duper AnyTech torch that has three settings, super uber blind people bright :), super high bright and low. So I have it on the middle one and now I am blinking white :). But it helped me see the threads, well actually without it you can't see anything. Lighting in sewing machines suck. That is a big let down in nearly every machine that I looked at. Besides the super uber expensive ones. Bigger bulbs are needed.

ANZAC day tomorrow, so off to march with the family and wear my great grandad's medals. Very special indeed. 


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